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Do You Hate Getting These Results From Your Medical Treatment?

Sad medical patient
  • The doctors can’t diagnose the problem.
  • The treatment is not working.
  • The treatment is taking too long.
  • The side-effects are worse than the disease.
  • The risks of treatment are scary.

Modern medicine Does Not do Life-Style Diseases well

The War on Cancer has not been Won.

Diabetes is becoming more common.

Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites are a bigger issue than ever.

Medicine doesn’t have an answer for LYME Disease.

Would You Love a Less Invasive Treatment With Fewer Side-Effects?

Nobel Prize



Scientific Studies show Nature may have the answer


The Answer Won a Noble Prize

You You Tu Nobel Prize artemisinin

In 2015 Tu Youyou was became Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine for the Discovery of Artemisinin. Artemisinin has been the World Health Organization’s go to medicine for malaria. It has been repurposed for many other diseases because of  it’s anti- cancer, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Scientific Studies show the efficacy of Artemisinin

Artemisinin and its derivatives: a promising cancer therapy.

Artemisinin produces highly reactive free radicals by the breakdown of two oxygen atoms that kill cancerous cells.


The Potential Roles of Artemisinin and Its Derivatives in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Many in vitro and in vivo experiments have confirmed the therapeutic utility of artemisinin and its derivatives on T2DM. NIH

New clinical application prospects of artemisinin and its derivatives: a scoping review

Review of 77 studies showed the efficacy of artemisinin for treating cancer, inflammation, viruses, bacteria and paracites. BioMedicalCentral

Artemisia annua exhibited better activity against stationary phase B. burgdorferi (LYME)

artemisinin are important in providing antimicrobial effects.


Our Customers Show Atremisinin Works in Real Life

Restoring your health naturally has never been easier.

 Science is validating traditional remedies at a rate never seen before. It is more important now than ever for you to take control of your health decisions. If you let others make your health decisions for you, you have to live with all the debilitating side-effects.

Watch the video below. Click on the button below the video for a more in depth look. Explore the Studies on this World Health Source site.  Look at the testimonials of people who have restored their health naturally. They made the decision to do what was best for them.

Choose how YOU are going to control the quality of YOUR life.


  • Artemisinin is a sesquiterpene peroxide derived from annual wormwood (Artemisia annuat), which was originally used as Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating malaria and related symptoms such as fever and chills. NIH
  • Since the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine conferred to Chinese scientist, Youyou Tu, artemisinin drew attention to worldwide. NIH
  • Beside from their well-established anti-malarial effects, artemisinin and its derivatives (ARTs), including dihydroartemisinin (DHA), artesunate, artemether and arteether, are also found to exhibit potent anti-cancer activities in many studies. NIH
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