About 6 months ago the oncologist said, “I’m sorry but the results of the biopsy say that you have head and neck cancer from the tonsils. The good news is that it has not spread and is isolated to your neck.” He went on to say we needed to get started right away with radiation and chemotherapy so that it doesn’t continue to grow and affect your life.
I told my oncologist that I was concerned about the side effects of radiation and chemo. He wanted to get started with seven weeks of five times a week of radiation and mild chemo. He said that radiation had become much more focused and caused much fewer side effects. I looked up studies from the National Institute of Health and I saw that he was right. It looked like the most up-to-date methods of radiation cut the side effects down by about 50%. That’s great, but that still left about 40% of radiation patients with side effects that impacted their lives negatively. But still, I would likely have a dry mouth and probably trouble swallowing forever.
Fortunately, I’m not your everyday patient that thinks of a cancer diagnosis as a death sentence. Ten years ago my best friend told me he had fast-growing prostate cancer. I did a lot of research into alternative methods of treating cancer, many of which he tried. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t tell me about his cancer until he had already had a year’s worth of chemo and radiation. His hips and immune system were already destroyed. Even with all the medical help, he died after about 5 years with a lot of pain and suffering.
Since that time I had the good fortune to become a partner with World Health Source LLC. From that association, I have seen customers with many different types of cancer be declared cancer free, by their doctor, after six months to a year of using our products.
With that background, I told my oncologist I would pass on the radiation and chemo as the quality of life was more important than living with the side effects for an extra couple of years. He then suggested immune therapy with its minor side effects. He said it probably wouldn’t cure the cancer, but for the short term, it would keep it at bay. I accepted that as the potential side effects were minor and it would give the World Health Source products more time to work.
Now six months later my Pet-Scan results show that the cancer is almost gone and it has not spread at all. All the discomfort and pain that I experienced from the cancer is gone and now I just have a little lump on the side of my neck that does not affect me at all. I expect with a little more time the lump will be completely gone. Because many cancers return with time I will stay on a maintenance program with the World Health Products.
Oh, I almost forgot the side effects, it seems like my skin and hair are healthier.