Why Natural Healthcare Practitioners are Changing Lives

Welcome back, natural healthcare practitioners. In our previous video, we discussed how incorporating artemisinin into your practice can make it more profitable. Today, we delve into why Artemisinin from WorldHealthSource.com will not only enhance your practice but also create happier patients by yielding more successful results with fewer side effects from treatment.

Let’s start with why Artemisinin can be an important addition to your practice. The first video showed how tuning happy patients into life-long customers builds patient loyalty and adds to your bottom line without extra time on your part.

How will Artemisinin do this?

By getting good results

Dr. Henry Lai and his team at the University of Washington discovered that Artemisinin could kill up to ninety-eight percent of breast cancer cells in just eighteen hours.

A December 2023 study from NIH surveyed 77 studies on Artemisinin for anti-parasitic (35), anti-tumor (16), anti-inflammatory (12), anti-viral (8), and dermatological treatments (7) focused on the safety and efficacy of artemisinin and its derivatives. The results “suggest that artemisinin and its derivatives may be safe and effective candidates for anti-tumor, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory and dermatological drugs.” (The link is listed below)

As you can see Artemisinin works for more than just cancer. More on that later.

Other studies found:

“that artemisinin-tagged transferrin is highly selective and potent in killing cancer cells.”

“exhibit chemosensitising effects in vivo in breast, lung, pancreas and glioma cancer cells, proposing the use of ARTs also in combination anticancer therapy.”

“Its anti-cancer effects include induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation and growth, metastasis and angiogenesis.”

As natural healthcare practitioners you know that results beyond the lab are important too. Our customers have had their oncologists scratching their head. One customer’s oncologist said, “ I don’t what you are doing, but keep it up.”after scans showed no more leukemia after using Artemisinin for six months.

Artemisinin works by releasing reactive oxygen species when it comes into contact with iron, creating a burst of free radicals that destroy nearby cells.

Since cancer cells often have more iron than healthy cells, they become prime targets for Artemisinin’s destructive power, making the compound a potent alternative cancer treatment.

The end result for the patient is a less invasive cancer treatment that works without the debilitating side effects. You have a healthy patient that retains their high quality of life. And gained a life-long customer to prevent the recurrance of cancer.

The modern story of Artemisinin takes us back to the late 1960s, a time when Malaria was wreaking havoc across the globe. In response, the Chinese government initiated a secret project known as Project 523, with the goal of finding a new, effective treatment for the disease. Youyou Tu, a dedicated scientist, was at the forefront of this endeavor.

Armed with over two thousand traditional Chinese medicine recipes, Tu and her team embarked on a long, painstaking journey of testing more than two hundred herbs and three hundred and eighty extracts. Their relentless effort bore fruit when they discovered that extracts from Artemisia annua L., also known as Qinghao or sweet wormwood, showed promising results in inhibiting parasite growth.

Tu refined the extraction methods, leading to the creation of a highly active extract called extract number 191. This extract later served as a blueprint for other teams to obtain pure Artemisinin crystals. Clinical tests showed the compound’s impressive efficacy against Malaria infection, and it quickly became a standard treatment, saving countless lives. Now Artemisinin according to the WHO is a prime treatment for malaria worldwide.

This long history of use proves it’s efficacy and safety.

But the story of Artemisinin doesn’t end there. Its potential reaches far beyond Malaria treatment. We’ve already mentioned Dr. Henry Lai and killing up to ninety-eight percent of breast cancer cells in just eighteen hours.

Other research shows the compound’s effectiveness in treating a variety of conditions, including parasites, tumors, inflammation, viruses, and skin diseases.

As a proven anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic, Artemisinin can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, improving the quality of life for many patients.

So, to sum up, Artemisinin is a multifaceted compound with a rich history and a promising future.

Its discovery was a testament to the power of perseverance and the potential of traditional medicine.

Today, its diverse uses and effectiveness make it a valuable addition to the toolkit of natural healthcare practitioners worldwide.

From the battle against Malaria to the war on Cancer, and beyond, Artemisinin continues to prove its worth, time and time again.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, exploring the incredible story of Artemisinin.

Stay curious, keep learning, and remember, in the world of natural healthcare, the possibilities are endless.

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